A pan-European survey, by ProVeg International in partnership with Innova Market Insights, the University of Copenhagen, and Ghent University as part of the Smart Protein project, has been published and analysed in detail. The results indicate that a significant shift towards plant-based eating is taking place across the continent. A country specific report was also created providing country-specific findings.
“The survey suggests tremendous potential for plant-based foods in Europe and gives a green light to all relevant players in the field to develop more and better products. Consumer demand for alternative proteins is growing at a remarkable rate, with no end in sight.”
Jasmijn de Boo
Vice President, ProVeg International

Join the webinar and learn more about consumers’ attitudes towards the consumption of plant-based foods, the degree to which they trust such products, their current consumption habits, the key drivers of their food choices, and various other relevant topics in the field of alternative protein.